VENUE: E.A.P.C National headquarters- MERU


BIBLE READING: 1st Chronicles 12:32

KEY: Being R.E.A.L

I would like to share with you some thoughts today as we officially Graduate you on this day.

I Stared teaching around the year 1998-1999. I would like to recognize and appreciate one of the eldest Sunday school teachers who is here today amongst our presence. It is of great joy to see that she is still vigilant in the works of the Sunday school.

Open with me 1st Chronicles Chapter 12 verse 32 and through this word we shall share some thoughts, and they will be of blessing. Just apart from being a pastor I am a teacher, and I do lecture at NPBC Bible Insitute. One of the areas that I specialize in is the children and family ministry. So I come to you as one of your own a Sunday school teacher, who has been in class and aware of the challenges that Sunday school teachers go through. In addition, I know the dynamics of this ministry but today let us talk about you being the graduate.

One thing that comes in mind is the 21st Century Sunday school teacher. Why you may ask?  It’s because the days are changing. The Sunday school now is very different to how our forefathers and even our mentors grew up to. We have seen our nation go through a moment “THE RISE OF THE GEN –Z”. Many people are talking about the rise of Gen-Z to this moment. The Gen-Z brought this country to a standstill. Indeed the president of the nation heard their cry. Apart from Gen-Z there is another generation that is coming up known as Generation Alpha. They are the Sunday school kids that we are currently teaching.

Let’s look on how to be an effective teacher in a modern 21st century world. When you ask the eldest Sunday school teacher, she will bear witness that things have changed. Even the songs that we used to sing have changed. And because you are the grandaunts today and we are proud of you. I would like to commend you as you graduate today, let us know we are living in different days.

The bible says that the sons of Issachar were different from other tribes. What made them different is that they understood the times they were living in. And because they understood the times they were living in they were able to align themselves with the king. They were part of the army of King David. So it is good as a 21 century Sunday school teacher to know the times we are living in. Days are gone when you do things the same way and expect different results. As EAPC Sunday school teachers, God has given us a mandate to go and conquer. From where you are standing, I would like you to look around and see that Sunday school as the core of the church today.

I have been doing crusades in my church and let me tell you crusades are just to be left for advertisement. I can pump a lot of money to crusades, but the results are few. Sunday school teachers can agree with me that we have parents who have been brought to Christ through their children. These children have hearts with a motto: COME AND SEE OUR CHURCH. Let us know that the days were living in are different. If we must be effective teachers in the 21st century we must be real teachers not fake teachers.

One of the characteristics of these postmodern children in Sunday school is that they are cyber-Literate. Gen-Z Have brought Kenya to a standstill. They did it not by forming a political party, rather than by strategic planning using technology. Through this, their effect was felt all over the country. The children that we are teaching are technologically fit. As a teacher, we must upgrade ourselves with cyber literacy.

The second characteristic of these children is that are that they have different opinion. These children have emotional and intellectual openness. They express themselves openly and are capable of giving you an opinion. In the good old days, parents used to dictate, and no one would object. However, these children that we are teaching today can question you. They will share with you and tell you that something is not the right thing.

Personal freedom is another characteristic of the children that are now in Sunday school. They value high personal opinion of choice. It will not be possible to force some things upon them. They value integrity and honesty in adults. Often, they will question why someone is telling them to do something while they are doing the other. These children can see, and they learn by modeling.

Let us strive to be like the sons of Issachar who understood the times they we are living in. In that perspective, I have come up with R.E.A.L to make us understand how to be effective Sunday school teachers in the 21st century.

The first letter in R.E.AL is R – For relationship.

Mathew 19:14                                                                                   

Relationship is the fuel in this children’s ministry. Jesus said in Mathew 19: 14, let the children come to me. Jesus saw the attitude in his disciples that they did not love children. They saw children as a burden, and they started chasing them away. However when Jesus told them “Let the children come to me”. The 21ST Century teacher calls for relationship. This means that we must have a relationship with these children. In that we, should be friends with children. Let us love them as they are. As a teacher, what is your relationship with the children in Sunday school?  How do you greet and welcome the children in church? Since I am still a Sunday school teacher, for those who know little angels they shouldn’t be greeted the same way you greet adults. As I welcome the little angels, I will kneel down to receive them. Usually I will compliment them” you have a nice dress” , ”i love your hairstyle”. This way you create a relationship with them

Let us be like Jesus who said let the children come to me. Most of the times as Sunday school teachers we don’t want to have a relationship with these children. Despite this, we must strive to have a good relationship with these children. Many churches have Programs for children but don’t have relationship for children. The main difference between the two is that programs will bring out children, while relationships will reach out to children. Even as you graduate today, I would like to urge you not to refrain from creating children ministry programs. We would mostly like you to reach out and have a relationship the children.

Just to highlight I will tell you why Creating relationship is better than creating Programs.

  1. Children are insecure.

Within them, they feel uneasy so it would be wise to give them confidence. Sometimes these children go through pain and the world we live in is like that. Give them knowledge that being together with Christ, everything is ok.

  • Relationships make the children feel special.

They come from different places and backgrounds. When they come to church, this should be the safest place they can be. Some have come from homes that they have never been told “I Love you my child”. Even in other worse situations they have come from violent homes. Within the week they see teachers with canes. When they come to church, they should see it as a place they are welcome. For every situation, when you go back home to your churches, make these children feel special. All my students know very well of the first of ten commandments of a Sunday school teacher is, though shall not carry a cane in Sunday school. The main reason to this commandment is that when they go to school, they see this cane for discipline. when they return to a home where they will find it again in hands of some parents. Hence when we carry the cane, they will automatically see that the church is not the safest place to be in.The church is no place to act tough like the headmasters. It is a place we make the children feel special.

When you look at your neighbor’s forehead, try and read what is written. This thing is also written to the forehead of every person you meet. You cannot see it with the external eyes, but you will have to use your spiritual eyes. The psychologists here can bear me witness that there is a need in every human being written on their forehead. The word that is usually written on your neighbor’s forehead is “please make me feel special.” It has come to my concern that in church we are overlooking this writing. Other places they know how to read the forehead and make others feel special. As a matter of emphasis, very few people told their neighbor they look smart today. Learn to appreciate the children with compliments as little as” I Love your dress”. This will nature the psychological need for the child.

  • Children need to be listened to and understood.

Even if they don’t talk as much sense as others, Listen to them. As an active CBC Parent my last born is in this category. In the age of 3-4 years, they usually have a lot of questions. Most notably these children use the “Why Questions”. Listen to what they have to say, then understand and address their fears in life.

Children get emotionally low. Just like adults, they also experience stress. Some have come from harsh backgrounds, while others have been neglected. The child should be told that in the church everything is now possible.

The Second letter in R.E.A.L,  Is E – for Encounter.

Proverbs 26

Teach a child the ways of God and when they are old they won’t deviate from it. The greatest task at hand as a Sunday school teacher is training these children. We should be able to offer the children a profound encounter rather than entertainment. Teach them the ways of God. Only the word of God will make these children stand tall. Let us minimize on the entertainment. We want to raise giants with power within themselves to face the world. Look at how the Muslims raise their children or even how Indians raise their children.

Most children are being taught dancing but other than dancing, teach them the word of God. Let the songs they sing and dance to be to build their faith. Excessive entertainment on the church alter should be minimized. In order to take tackle this next generation effectively, you also have to be a lover of music. The next generation music is filled with rhymes and beats. Let’s us give these children an encounter with Christ rather than entertainment. Leave them with an impact something that they will stick with them in their daily lives. Let’s take a leaf from Mr.Kinyanjui my Sunday school teacher who up to date I can vividly recall his teachings. We are therefore insisting that if you have not been well affirmed and equipped with this our new syllabus refrain from teaching the Sunday school.

In order to offer a profound encounter you must do these three essential things.

  1. First we must go into their world. An adult world is diplomatic while in the children’s world, it’s a free and have fun world. Go down to their level, speak how they speak, and laugh how they laugh. Their language in this modern world is different. It has been masked behind a language called sheng. Most commonly found with the teenagers who you will need to listen to and understand.
  2. In addition to going down to their level, second you will need to communicate from your heart. In order to reach and offer a profound encounter. Open up your hearts to them and make them know that you love them and love teaching them.
  3. Thirdly, we must learn to find keys to their lives. This key will be found in the things that they speak, the things they hear, and the things that they see.

The third letter in REAL is, A that stands for availability.

 Great teachers in the 21st century are available. When we read our Bible in Luke 9:62, we are told that “And anyone who puts his hand on the plough and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God.” Jesus was talking about the cost of discipleship. When you do further reading from the previous verses Jesus highlights three scenarios. The first scenario is that foxes have a den, and birds of the air have a nest, but the son of man has no place to put his head. The second scenario is that they tell Jesus that He needs to go and burry his father then come back to follow him which he later responds to saying let the dead bury their dead. The third scenario is a man who told Jesus to let him go back home and say goodbye to his family then he will come back. Jesus’ response was that “Anyone who puts their hand on the plough then looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. Work in the children’s ministry needs commitment. Amongst us are top ranking graduates and it will be good that these children know Gods ministry is not for low value people. Jesus did not call lazy people. He called people he found working. God is looking for your availability not ability. God wants even teachers and other profession. Those amongst us with diplomas, when you get a chance, go for higher levels of education.

Here are four things to know that you are available.

  1. Putting children ahead of one’s life.
  2. Finding a way to help children not to hide.
  3. Raise the children to serve when you are called (Avoid spiritual T.B—Too busy syndrome).
  4. Be glad to serve the children’s ministry. Whatever you do it from your heart.

Finally in REAL, is letter L – for Learner.

In 2nd Timothy2:15 says that we should study to show ourselves approved of God. In Kenya most people have this calling, but they don’t have knowledge. A call without knowledge is dangerous. This is why we are finding people entangled in fiascos like the Shaka-holla cult. The new generation is informed, and they know most of the information you will tell them from their smartphones. As a teacher in the 21st Century study to know the children’s culture and trends. Seek to understand them more than to be understood. Look at what they have achieved and in order to do that, look at their dreams. Let us inform the parents that they should be cautious of the entertainment they are offering their children. Some of these cartoons are demonic and filled with violent scenes and content. They should refrain from recommending inappropriate content to our little children.

There are things that the devil has put in their lives to finish our little children. One of them is LGBTQ. The LGBTQ Agenda is real and most of the people are silent about it. Update yourself and be relevant. When the director calls on you during another training session, take it upon yourself to get updated. Even a tanker transporting highly flammable gasoline has to go to the petrol station to get a refill in its tanks. Teachers of EAPC We need to go back and learn again during these trainings. Your is a challenge to grow.AS AN EFFECTIVE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER WE MUST BE R.E.A.L.


  1. True…in agreement, times have changed and the digital world is trending…Teachers must
    be obedient and teach others to be obedient.
    Teaching is a service that should be motivated by love.
    Make learning to be relevant to children’s lives.
    Make learning fun.
    Have a supportive environment for teaching.
    1.Equipped by study.
    2.Empowered by the Holyspirit.
    3.Exited about God’s word.
    4.Focused on their students.
    5.Expectant for God to transform the lives of their children.

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