unlocking our potential to do exploits


The angel appeared to Gideon and said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” And from that verse, God brought the theme: Unlocking Our Potential to Do Exploits. Now you may wonder how a mighty warrior and the potential to do exploits are related. But I want to say that the children of Israel had been oppressed by the Midianites for seven years. They had been put into a state of fear. Even in the fields, when they would sow, before it was time to reap, the Midianites would come into their farms to loot, and they would plunder to feed their cattle. The Israelites would be left without food. The word tells us that this man Gideon was hiding somewhere, threshing his produce so that he might conceal it from the Midianites.

The Bible says the Midianites were powerful people. If you are to find a nation oppressing another nation consecutively for seven years, then it is a powerful nation. It is because the Israelites disobeyed God that He let them be oppressed by the Midianites.

Once again, God saw that it was time to unveil what was hidden so that the Israelites wouldn’t get oppressed because they feared God. He saw it was the right time to deliver them. When He decided who would be the person He would use to rescue the children of Israel, He didn’t go searching for those who looked like they had the ability from the earthly eyes of people. The Bible tells us God sent His angel to Gideon, and He found him hiding because of fear. Gideon didn’t know that, even when he was hidden, within him there was a power that would rescue the Israelites from the Midianites. That is why these greetings are being addressed by the angel, and he goes on to call Gideon a mighty warrior.

When the angel addressed Gideon as a mighty warrior or a great man with strength, Gideon inquired and asked the angel what greetings were used to address him. In addition, Gideon went on to ask, if indeed the Lord was with the Israelites, why were they in a state of oppression as a nation?

The angel of the Lord answered, “With the strength that you have within you, get up and go so that you may win battles for the people of Israel against their foes.” An angel had to intervene so that He might unveil what was within Gideon and save the Israelites.

As we proceed further, it is good we define the terms in the year’s theme.


Potential can be described as the hidden power or strength that needs to be worked on to be active. To elaborate further, potential is the strength within that has not been tapped into but there is something that can be done so that the strength that is within can arise forth. This is the strength within a person or something, that has been untapped, and is what we refer to as potential. For example, when in hand you have a matchbox, it has the potential to create a fire that can burn a whole neighborhood. But as long as the matchbox remains in your hand, with a match unstruck, that potential will go on remaining in the matchbox. You will often find opinions that the matchbox has great power. You will have to find a person to release the power from the matchbox.

Some of us are like a matchbox missing someone to get hold of us and light up the potential fire that is within. I want to tell you, people of Kigumo, you have potential. You have great power within you to do great things. But because of the mentality that has always existed, people linger in fear that they might do something and fail like the last time. As soon as something is initiated, bad history repeats itself. I am here to tell you we are not going to live with the history of the other years. We have already departed from that scenario in the name of Jesus Christ.

There was another day when we wanted to start a SACCO for the Priests while we were somewhere in Meru. Some were demoralized about it while others were on the offensive to demoralize others. Why, you may ask? Because of the history of fear. There was one SACCO that was started later it came to collapse. So even the one that was being suggested didn’t look feasible. If within me I have the power to do investment, and there is historical fear, that power within will continue staying within. Today, I have come to tell you that we are departing from fear in the name of Jesus. We will no longer operate in fear. God unveils what is within us. We are mighty warriors. Greet someone next to you and tell them, “You are a mighty warrior.”

The potential power that is within you needs a higher power. The Midianites had power, but they did not know other powers were being crafted by God. These powers were not for the military or wagons of war. They were from a small person, and in him was a great power. And that is why the angel told him that with the power that you have, get up and go to save the Israelites. I am here to tell you today that if only you let God stir up the power that is within you, one day you might find that indeed you had great power to do great things. In addition, I am here to tell you, may God unveil the power that is within you. You are going to do great things this year.

The circumstances that surround us may look like they have power over us. But we have power within us, and God has given us His grace and goodness. Let me tell you something: That situation that you see has great power over you; know that you have power over that oppressing situation. The Bible says, “He who is within us is greater than the one outside there.” If you say that you are of a great God and you are just coiling yourself into the corner because of fear, today I want to tell you it’s this year or never. We are going to do great things because we have potential that needs to be stirred up by God’s power.

I was telling people on 31st of December 2024, that if a nineteen-inch television set is three thousand shillings, that is not the end for your home. I am here to tell you that you must do greater. You can get these 55-inch television sets that we have here in church in your house. Even if it will be on 31st December 2025, I too will get a 55-inch television screen. I want to see people in good sizes, not people in small sizes. I am here to unlock you in the name of Jesus Christ. That small house that you built, even without tiles, or even a towel, does not seem as if you came to an end. I am here to tell you that you have the power to do great things in the name of Jesus Christ. Start preparations to expand that small house because there is power within you that God is going to stir.

unlocking our potential to do exploits

Taking Risks

I thank God for connecting things because the first thing and greatest thing to do when you want to do great things is to take a risk. We can see in Judges chapter 6:25…

Baal was one of those gods that had brought the Israelites into anger with God. This god had an altar erected for him at Gideon’s father’s household. Gideon’s father was Baal’s priest. Gideon went away from home and met the angel of God. (The angels of the Lord in the Old Testament are incarnations of Jesus Christ). So you can imagine that Jesus Christ is telling Gideon these things. And Gideon was told, now that I have called you, and I would like to stir up the power and potential within you, something will cause interruptions. Number one is that at your father’s place, there is an altar that belongs to Baal. Since I want to use you and I don’t want you returning to that false god, today you will go to your father’s place and tear it down. That was taking a huge risk!!!

Remember that some of you will have to go through the same scenario as Gideon against his father. If you are not ready to take risks, pray to get peace with those demons that torment you. As for me, I have declared that even if the demons do what, there is no time that I will give peace to a demon. At the end of the day, I would rather be victorious with scars, than run away a coward. Some of you will have to go to your father’s altar and discern its condition because it might be causing your great power to sprout.

Gideon was told… “Take the second bull from your father’s herd, the one seven years old. Tear down your father’s altar to Baal and cut down the Asherah pole beside it. 26 Then build a proper kind of altar to the Lord your God on the top of this height. Using the wood of the Asherah pole that you cut down, offer the second bull as a burnt offering.” (Judges 6:25)

Let me tell you, there is no greater risk than that. When Gideon tried to think about the matter, he realized that if he went to destroy Baal’s altar during the day, he would be caught and killed instantly in broad daylight. Gideon went under the cover of darkness when people were asleep. There are people amongst us who will come to fight evil altars at night by prayer. It will be you who will pray that evil altars that are causing you not to do great things be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ. When you choose to destroy evil altars, don’t do it in public; rather, do it privately.

This year is the year of doing great things. Gideon went into the night and destroyed Baal’s altar and erected Jehovah’s altar. He also made a sacrifice to appease the God of heaven. When dawn came to be, Baal’s congregation was astonished at who destroyed their altar, and upon investigation, they discovered it was Gideon. They went up to Joash’s place and demanded Gideon be handed over to them. But Joash declared that if Baal was a real god, let him defend himself.

When God stirs up the power that is within you, even those who dare to go against you will declare that this person should be left alone. You must be ready to take risks. The one who erected an altar at your home had their agenda. Come up with your agenda and erect your altar with the power that God has given you. You will see that soon and very soon, the things that you struggle to get done will start going on well automatically in the name of Jesus Christ.

In summary, I am going to mention people in the Bible who took risks and did great things. We must understand that, for us to do great things, we must be willing to take risks. Some people have taken risks pledging money towards the church construction funds drive due in 3 months. Some have not taken the risk, and it is like they have limited God, believing that in 3 months they won’t have found anything for Him. You might be looking at others pledging and assume they have unlimited sources of money. But God may not use connections to high-profile people. When God decides to visit you, it will be like that widowed woman in the Bible.

**If you believe, say AMEN!!!**

People in the Bible who took risks

When we read the Bible in the book of Ruth chapter 1:6, a woman named Ruth took a risk. The people of Moab and the people of Israel never partook anything together. It was taboo. When Naomi’s children and husband died, she decided to go back to her homeland. She also decided that she was going to part ways with her in-law daughters by telling them to go start a new life without her. One went away, but Ruth took a risk to follow Naomi even though she was an Israelite, while Ruth was a woman from Moab. Ruth declared to her mother-in-law “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.”

When Ruth took the risk, eventually she went on to get wed by a very rich man named Boaz. Later, she became the great-great-great-grandmother to Jesus Christ. There are people in this congregation who underestimate themselves. They see as if there is nothing they can do, whereas God is waiting for you to take the first step so that He shows you what He can do.

Another person who took a risk was a woman named Rahab. In Joshua 2:4, it says that she took a risk. Historically, she was known for her occupation as a prostitute. She took in the two men spying for the Israelites inside the walls of Jericho and hid them. When she was questioned, she answered that indeed the men came to her, but she didn’t know where they were from. When the spies entered the city of Jericho and their cover was blown, they sought safety and entered Rahab’s house. Rahab had experience with men. She took a risk and decided that today was not going to be business as usual. She hid them inside her house and kept quiet.

Because she took a risk, and it was to be that in Jericho there was nothing to be spared, she pleaded with the two spies that she be spared when they came back to wage war against the inhabitants of Jericho. The men told her that because of the risk she had taken, let her put a red ribbon on her window. Due to the risk that Rahab took, she and her household were saved when the invasion came inside the city walls. So from today, you should cease living in fear.

Another person who took a risk was Daniel. When Daniel was taken into Babylon, they were to be served food from the king’s table with the fanciest meals. He took a risk and declared that he wouldn’t eat that kind of food. It was not an easy thing because it was going against the wish of the king, and it could have led to his execution. Daniel told the person serving them that they were to be served with water and vegetables. After ten days, they would do a comparison test between those who were eating from the king’s table and those who were eating with Daniel. When the ten days were over, it was found that Daniel and his people were the strongest and most handsome compared to their counterparts dining at the king’s table.

Another time it was declared that for the next 30 days, all praying to God would cease, and only the king would be worshipped. When Daniel went into his chambers, he decreed that he would not worship any other god but Jehovah. The Bible tells us that when he was in his chambers, he would open the windows facing Jerusalem and pray three times a day. That was taking a risk!!!

Eventually, for his stand and defiance towards the king, he found himself in the pit of lions. Some people don’t want to take a risk because of the pits of lions before them. But because they fail to take a risk, they will never get to know what God does to the people who take risks in the name of doing great things. Daniel went into the pit of lions with God, and surely it was God who saved him. The Bible says that those who had caused Daniel to be thrown into the pit of lions, it came a time that they were thrown into the same pit. The Bible says that these people got devoured by the lions before they even reached the bottom of that pit.

If you want to do great things this year, take a risk and see the things that God can do. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego told the king that they would not bow to false gods. For taking that stand, they found themselves in the pit of fire, but God was with them.

In 2 Kings 7:3, we find that there were four lepers. It is good to note that leprosy is contagious. If a person was identified with leprosy, they were quarantined and set apart so that the disease wouldn’t spread to another person. As the disease took over the victim’s body, the wounds would swell, causing rot in the body. These four men had reached that stage, and they had been abandoned and isolated outside the city walls of Samaria far away from society. The walls of Samaria were to protect its inhabitants from their enemies, the Assyrians. The four lepers would get some food now and then, but the Bible tells us that during that time, there was a drought in Samaria. The drought was so severe that people turned to pigeon droppings for sustenance. It was also the same time that two women had taken each other to the king. The women had agreed to cannibalize their children just to survive. When they had cannibalized the first baby to completion and it was time for the other woman to offer her child as food, she declined. The king heard of this case, and he tore his garments in great sorrow.

A man of God told the king, “Through the name of the living God, tomorrow at the gates of Samaria there will be food.” Every time a word of prophecy is released by a prophet, sometimes it may be taken lightly. However, when the word of prophecy is released, God always makes a follow-up. Some people look at a situation even at our church EAPC Kigumo Parish and start to pity. If you are a congregant with such a mentality, I pray that God will change you. Where we are today is not where we were yesterday. This year we are going to finish strong, having roofed the church and all doors put in place in the name of Jesus Christ.

One of the people who were at the king’s counsel looked at the situation in Samaria and threw shade on the word of prophecy, declaring that it was impossible. The man of God retaliated and told him that when that food comes, he will see it with his own eyes but he will not receive anything to eat. There was a power that God wanted to unveil through the four forsaken lepers outside the city walls. All along, while all this was going on inside the city walls, the lepers knew nothing about it.

The lepers looked at the situation in Samaria. They resolved that if they forced themselves inside the city, they would still die of hunger. Looking on the other side, there were the Assyrians, and if they went to their camps, they would get killed. Thirdly, if they went on sitting outside the city walls, they were still going to die. Eventually, they resolved to take a risk and began their journey towards the Assyrian camp to beg for food rather than sit outside the city walls waiting to die.

There are situations in which God is waiting for you to start by taking a risk. While you are waiting for God to do something, He is also waiting for you to do something. Some don’t want to take a risk; rather, they want to play it safe. Some of us got to where we are today by taking risks in big things, and it came to a point that we were seen as idiots.

When the lepers began the journey, because they had taken risks, God made their footsteps as loud as thunder. The Assyrians were known for their war chariots and fast horses, but when they heard these footsteps, they fell into disarray. They thought that the Israelites were on to attack them with the best war chariots and wagons borrowed from Egypt. All along, the footsteps they were hearing were the footsteps of four lepers. The Assyrians panicked and deserted their camps, running away from war. Upon arrival, the lepers found that the Assyrian tents were empty and deserted.

The camp was intact with all the Assyrians’ belongings. Because they were hungry, they first decided to eat. When you decide to do great things and God stirs up the power in you, we are going to see the difference beginning with you. The lepers then decided to send out a message to Samaria that they should come to the Assyrian camp and they will find food. They did not know how, but Jehovah did it.

You have been chosen by God, and there are people that you will feed and help others in their destinies if you let God stir up the power that is within you. The people from Samaria thought it was a scam from the lepers. When they tried to search for them in the mountains, they found them not. God’s word came to be fulfilled, and in the end, the prophecy was also fulfilled. The one who had doubted the prophecy did not receive even a single grain when the food arrived at Samaria’s city gates.

Today I want to tell you in the name of Jesus Christ, you who are doubting the word of God, I will not prophesy that you die. But you will see people getting blessed while you are seated there. What you should do is accept that even though you don’t know how things are going to get done, there is power within you that God can stir up. Remember, that you are a mighty warrior. Now that you are a mighty warrior, firstly stop underestimating yourself or living in fear.

The second thing, stop letting people belittle you because of how they see you today. What is within you, it is only God who knows. You might belittle someone today, and tomorrow you will be astonished they did great things. Do not allow anyone to belittle you because of your situation today. One day Gideon was living in fear. He would thrash his grain while hiding. The next day he is at his father’s place destroying Baal’s altar. The next day, he was the one blowing the trumpets so that people go to war.

Do not allow anyone to belittle you today because they see that you don’t have another pair of clothes to change into. Do not allow anyone to belittle you because of the condition of your house. Tell those who belittle you that one day, Rahab was a prostitute; the next day, she was the one saving the Israelites.

Who would have thought that people like Rahab and Ruth had the power within them to do great things? Your tomorrow cannot be measured by how people see you today. It can only be measured by what God sees inside you.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you that; “When God stirs the power in you, even those who belittle you will find a new name for you.


Rev. Isabella Muthoni Kariuki


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