Hosea 4: 6

   my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.“Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.

The Enemy uses ignorance as a weapon against people. When they are his slaves, he is happy. The truth that you know can set you free. Ignorance is the Devil’s weapon against humankind for when you are set free, there is a change.

In the previous part of this series, which starts this series of foundations, I came to understand that there was change amongst many people in the congregation for they started discovering the foundations that were laid before them and did something about it.

It is my prayer that you also see and discern evil foundations hindering you from making progress in life.

Foundations can also disturb the saved people of God. In that, Though they are free and Jesus paid it all at Calvary (Romans 5:5-9), for them to see eternal life, they have to live on certain foundations here on earth.

Here are the top symptoms that still affect people who are grounded and gripped by evil foundations.

  1. Anger

Some people are gripped in the paws of anger that is very dangerous, disastrous, and destructive. Normally it erupts like a volcano devouring things on its path. The person with this anger can do very bad things while they are angry. It is no coincidence or mere motive rather than a clear and bold revelation of an evil foundation within that person.

  • Foolishness (upumbavu)

Some people never settle down, Today Atieno tomorrow Njeri the next day before dawn Kendi. Total and utter confusion!! To the point when they even get married, they are chased away from their homestead. Maybe a certain cousin, a certain uncle, auntie all in the same trend. It is no coincidence or genetics rather than a clear and bold revelation of an evil foundation within that lineage.

  • Lies

Others are expert liars. In Genesis 12:10-20, Abraham lied to save his life by lying wife was his sister. As a result, we can see that this foundation of lies spread to his children Isaack, and even Jacob who deceived his father that he was Esau in Genesis 27. Some lies are not normal rather than a clear and bold revelation of an evil foundation within that person.

  • Poverty

When you look at certain families or even do some introspection, there is no one, and absolutely no one! that has ever crossed a certain barrier of wealth. Even buying a bicycle. If there is anyone who bought a motorcycle it ended up in tears and dismay for them. The problem is that the evil foundation is dictating this barrier harshly and surpassing it without having broken free from its grip is a daydream.

  • Failure

Maybe you try this business then it ends up in loss and failure, You try another one and the result is failure over and over again? This boldly and clearly as day points to evil foundations and alters for they dictate a certain barrier.

Foundations are not to be taken complacently for they dictate our life’s capability. Always Remember that salvation is Instant but Deliverance takes time. Some evil foundations are deeply rooted in very possessive and demonic alters hence the need for time to be totally obliviated from their deadly paws in what is known as Total Deliverance.

It is my advice to be cautious and wise while destroying these alters for those who erected them paid a hefty price and, in some cultures, these foundations and alters are sacred.

When foundations are set, it dictates where you should serve, and you cannot serve God without knowing Him. It is also important to note that troubles often don’t arise out of nowhere, but they have a root cause often the foundation. (Job 5:6 -For hardship does not spring from the soil, nor does trouble sprout from the ground)

Just like Potatoes sprout even seasons after a farmer planted them many seasons ago, so are the effects of foundations. Israelites would go rogue and start praying to false gods and idols as an effect of the foundations they had in Egypt. When you find yourself backsliding out of Christianity, it is mostly the effects of an evil foundation. 

Do not be afraid or dismayed for if you have a will there is hope and a way to set you free from evil foundations.

The word of God is the foundation of everything. To understand foundations, we need to go into depth and understand the levels of these foundations and who erected them.


These are foundations good or bad that have been placed by you. These foundations are set individually by you and not by any other person. Some of these foundations are evil and are set through certain actions at one point in one’s life.

Evil foundations set by an individual come as a result of.

  1. Visiting diviners and indulging in witchcraft.

 In 1 Samuel: 28, when Saul went to visit a median after Samuel had died, it angered God and the results were bad for him. If you have visited these places and got hold of objects and things like love charms, and business charms, those are evil foundations that will disturb your family and your future generation. These evil foundations in a relationship or marriage will dictate your future causing drastic repercussions like a violent marriage or even being chased away from your home.

  1. Engaging in incest.

Having sexual affairs with another woman’s husband, another man’s wife hence participating in destroying their marriage, or committing incest. By engaging in sex before marriage, you become one with that person thus building an evil foundation that may disturb you for the rest of your life if not taken care of appropriately on time.

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