Rebuilding the Pillars of Worship

What does the Bible tells us about worship?

Today’s Bible Reading comes from Psalms 150:6

Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. (kjv)
Second Bible Reading comes from and John 4:24

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth (kjv)

4/2/2024 Youth Sunday sermon

Worship of YAHWEH is a crucial part of our lives.

The devil doesn’t want us to worship God, and if we do, he makes sure we worship him without understanding revelation.

Worship is not done at intervals like only in church on Sunday, every second of your life should be filled with worship, that is in everything you do, should reflect your worship and whom you worship..

The devil is at work trying to remove the pillar of worship in our lives and churches, he has brought so many other programs that seem to be important to divert us from worshipping God.

The pillar of worship in Israel was many times attacked and they would be defeated in their battles like the time of Ahab.

Other kings who wanted to see the victories of the Lord would start by rebuilding the pillar of worship by destroying all idol altars like King Josiah

Haman wanted to make sure he diverted Mordecai from worshipping the true God to worshiping him, but Mordecai didn’t.

Shadrach and his friends were tested to bow down to an idol, they refused thus God defended Himself in them.

The devil knows when he diverts us from worshipping God, we are finished.

Ways we worship God with

  1. Giving sacrifices
  2. Prayers
  3. Reading the Word of God
  4. Praising
  5. Fasting
  6. Meditation of the Word

How to influence your territory with worship

  1. Monitoring your TV and the programs watched, worship God with what you watch.
  2. House decorations, pictures, Wacha kuweka poster za pilsner, tusker kwa meza na ukuta, “Stop pitting provocative wallpapers on your home ” but something that can attract God’s presence.
  3. Your phone, what is there? Which songs? what do you post? It dictates your worship.
  4. In your car, what kind of music, stickers… you can encourage someone by the songs in your car or by a certain sticker.
  5. Pictures in your clothing, check the messages in the t-shirts, shirts, tops, I saw another young gal with a top written (kiss me) now what is she advertising and worshipping?


-Let us rebuild the pillar of worship everywhere every time.

-In church, let’s set apart good times for worship, prayers, and word of God

How are we to worship God?

  1. In Truth and spirit -that is with understanding who God is and in connection with His spirit. John 4:24
  2. In the splendor of His holiness
  3. That is as He is holy, we should be holy. There is a difference between singing for God and worshipping Him. People may sing for God because they are living beings, but they may not worship Him because someone worships the God, he/she knows.

Rev. Isabella Muthoni

Administering pastor Youth Sunday 4/2/2024

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