4 Impressive Ways to Mark Your Bible for Deeper Bible Study

Topics: Bible study


A Couple in Bible Study

I’m convinced that having a Bible marking system is one of the best strategies for Bible study. Learning how to mark your Bible is a fun way to see the finer details in the scriptures.

One of my favorite teachers in high school was my geometry teacher. Honestly, at that time I wasn’t super fond of her. She was strict and didn’t succumb to the adolescent shenanigans my classmates and I tried to get away with. 

However, now I’m very thankful to her. Of all the teachers I had in high school, I learned the most from her.

To help us memorize those pesky theorems, she would go to the whiteboard with multiple Expo pens in hand. Using different colors, she would draw shapes, lines, and angles for each step of the theorem. These markings helped us to see the full puzzle while also seeing each piece of it.

In a similar way, when you mark your Bible you are able to see the smaller details.

It is OK to Mark In Your Bible?

So ok. It may seem like ruining your beautiful Bible with a bunch of bible highlighters, pens, colors, and symbols is the wrong thing to do. But let me assure you…its ok!

If fact, I think God is pleased with it. Having a marked-up Bible is evidence that we have spent time diligently for bible study.

Bible Marking System and Guide

It’s very helpful to have a Bible marking plan. Here are the different words in your Bible you want to watch for and mark in a strategic way. I recommend having a Bible that you use specifically for marking in during bible study. One with large print and wide margins works the best. Also, you will want to have some colored pens that won’t bleed through the pages of your Bible.

  • People – Mark the different people in your bible. Use a distinctive marking for each person (author, recipients, God, Jesus) in the text you are studying. It’s also good to create some universal markings throughout your Bible.
    note: I always mark references to “God” with a purple triangle, “Jesus” with a purple cross, and the recipients with a red ‘R’. 
  • Keywords – Keywords in bible study are words that are repeated or words that would change the meaning of the text if you were to take them out. Mark each keyword in a distinctive way.  
  • References to Time and Geographical Locations  – Mark time reference words and any geographical locations. These references help you to discover the historical settings and are important for keeping the scriptures in their original context.
    note: I mark all references to time with a yellow clock. 
  • Comparisons, Contrasts, and Words of Conclusion – Mark any comparisons, contrasts, and transition words. You can mark these the same way throughout your Bible. Looking at these words helps you to determine the main points the author is making.

Isn’t that awesome? It’s amazing what you can learn as you mark your Bible during Bible study!

This is a skill I have been developing for a while now. It takes practice. Let me encourage you to start small. Choose one chapter, read through the verses, and circle any references to the recipients. if you would like to join us for our group kesha and bible study, consider looking at our events timetable.

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